Hey everyone!!!
So this week was awesome!!! one of the best weeks ever!!!! last p-day was amazing but i cant even remember it cause everything after was even better!!
So p-day was awesome, we found this new pizza place which is close to our house and has amazing pizza and we ate there on p-day and we went to the praça which is a place that sells all the wood carvings and African paintings so we got a couple of those and when we got home, i had a package from the Bonnets! tell them thank you so much!! and the other Elders in our house had all the pots and pans and everything on the floor. we were like what the heck is going on... and they look at us and tell us they have something to tell us... then they tell us that we´re moving to a place called Cajueiro!!!!!!!!! its this super nice place here in Angola. its where all the senior missionary couples live. It never faults water or electricity, its not dirty, theres not a ton of trash out back and kids who always ask us for money, it has a basketball court.... We´re spoiled :) so we moved in on Friday and i took the first hot shower since I've been here in Angola!!! so nice! :) but that's not even the highlight of the week! :)
Friday we went and talked to our two investigators who were getting baptized on Saturday. Theres BB and theres T. BB decided to have Elder Hobbs baptize him and Me confirm him! i wasn't there when he told us cause i was sick... but yeah i was/am scared to confirm him in Portuguese but stoked at the same time. then we went and talked to T. I love him. hes about 40+ super humble, he cant read all that well, but he does his best, his wife left him, and he comes to church every Sunday which is a miracle here in Angola. but we asked him who he wanted to baptize and confirm him and he said he wanted his friend from church to confirm him, and then we asked who he wanted to baptize him and he asked me to!!! so i was super happy :) We met up with him on Saturday and got some taxis to the chapel and i got to baptize him!!! that was so awesome, and BB got baptized too! And after we had a district meeting at KFC :) then we went and moved into Cajueiro!! it was an awesome day!! So things here are going great!! I love it more and more every week!!
Mothers day is on Sunday!! so i get to skype :) and transfers are next Monday so I could be getting a new companion and going to a new area! I love you all! you're always in my prayers! thanks for all of yours!
Eu sei que esta igreja e verdadeira. eu sou bem grato para meu missao e pela oportunidade que tenho para pregar e evangelho e abencoar as pessoas de Angola. Ja entendi muito e sou uma pessoa melhor. eu sai minha familia por 2 anos para que as familias possam ser juntos para sempre. esta igreja e verdadeira, o livro de mormon tem a verdade. eu sou bem grato para o evangelho e o conhecimento e as bencoas que vem do evangelho. Eu Amo Voces!! :)
Elder Money
P.s. Angolans are really happy, but for some reason they never smile in their pictures! haha so we call it the Angolan smile. The Taller one is T and the shorter one is BB:)
I know this church and true. I'm very thankful for my mission and the opportunity I have to preach the gospel and to bless and people of Angola. Already understood a lot and am a better person. I left my family for 2 years so that families can be together forever. this church and true, the book of Mormon is true. I'm very grateful for the gospel and the knowledge and blessings that comes from the gospel. I Love You guys! :)