Ive been studying a lot about Patriarchal Blessings lately. They are one of the things I love most about the true church being restored. A Patriarchal blessing-Direct communication from Heavenly Father to you. I listened to a talk by President Faust as well as another one by a Patriarch at BYU. President Faust talks about how his blessing is small, but it is perfect for what he needed. I heard once that President Hinckley's was only a paragraph or two. The patriarch at BYU talked about 3 purposes to a patriarchal blessing:
1. Declare Lineage
2. Stand as a testimony of the truth
3. Show Heavenly Father's love for you.
Mine does all 3 of these as, I'm sure, does yours. I think of things that are in my blessing that only God could have possibly known. It declares my lineage and Shows Heavenly Fathers love for me. I am so grateful for my patriarchal blessing. I encourage you to rely on yours and study it prayerfully if you already have it and if you don't, pray about it and see if its the right time for you to get it.
I love you all. I pray for you every day. Thanks for everything.
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