This past week was good, we taught quite a bit of lessons. Our area was pretty much white washed so all the investigators we have now are fairly new. They're progressing well, but they wont come to church!!!!! its way frustrating. But we'll keep working on it.
Yesterday we were trying to find this lady, who is a reference we got and shes less active. Addresses are few or non existent here. she lives on road one, house number one. so we finally find road one. but we see house number 178.... So we've got a long ways to go haha... so we start walking and we had been walking for a while when this guys stops us and starts talking to us. he says he wants to hear more about the church. so we got his number, and right as we were about to leave, (we're at about house number 110) this lady comes up to us and tells us that her house is this way. So we are like uhhh ok so we follow her, and enter into house 121. Turns out she was the lady we were looking for!! I always love when things like that happen. these 'coincidences' that happen. A lot of times when we are guided by the Spirit, we don't even know it. Its like Elder Bednar says, ´´Dont worry about it. Just be a good little boy or girl, and your footsteps will be guided, and your utterances inspired.'' I'm grateful for the Spirit. And I love the rewarding feeling that comes from knowing that you followed a spiritual prompting and good things came from it.
I love you all!!!
Elder Money
Elder Money